Assessment, Planning and Implementation, Planning, and Implementation

Knowledge of regional, local and cultural issues in planning is important for international projects.  Even more critical than planning is implementation. This is where risk is managed correctly or mistakes are made.  Life outside the US is very different.  Visiting a country as a tourist or on a few business trips and managing a business in one in one are vastly different experiences.  Without guidance your business will be stepping into the unknown.

We can support your project planning.  Or do it for you.

Is opening your business overseas or doing this project a good idea or not? We can add value by providing the international context and perspective.
What are the initial considerations when making that decision. We can add insight to the process and identify issues you would probably never consider on your own.
If you research the issues yourself will you feel comfortable with what you find? We can review what you find and verify, validate, explain or interpret for you.
Did you think of all the angles? We can provide that second opinion that either comforts or alarms.
Or you may not feel comfortable doing your own research or framing the questions properly or even correctly identifying the issues. We can provide background, research options and provide the recommendations you need to make the correct business decisions.


Knowledge of regional, local and cultural issues is crucial for international projects to avoid a disaster.

Understanding what issues should be considered and when they might occur will impact both schedule and cost. We combine project management and international experience to ensure the planning is realistic and to recommend practical options.
Potential problems must be identified early. You need to understand how serious certain problems are.  Multiple solutions must be developed. Our practical international experience can identify potential problems including deal breakers, frame the potential risks, and provide primary solutions and alternative approaches.


Sound assessment, planning, and implementation, especially implementation, is critical.  We can work along side your staff.  Or do it all for you.  Or anything in between.

When planning is complete, you need to execute the plan, implement the project, i.e. work the details Being told what to do and actually doing it are very different. Our Full Service includes not only Project Assessment and Planning, but especially Project Implementation.
Every international project will have more issues, and more obstacles, and more unforeseen circumstances. When those unforeseen problems occur, outside-the-box thinking and relevant experience can keep your project on track